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Resetting and Settling with a Hum

Sometimes I get overwhelmed. With noise, with crowds, with situations, with other people's attitudes. That's when I start to hum. To focus, reset, clear my mind, and settle back to a peaceful place.

Pond w/lily, Kenilworth Gardens, D.C. 7/16/17

Normally, I would choose a walk in the woods, a paddle on the bay. But those options are not always available.

This mantra came to me over the Easter holiday weekend when we were traveling to Boston. It came during a turbulent early morning flight. I snuggled down, eyes closed, and here is what arrived:

I am

a pebble in a pond

a pebble who hums

a pebble in a pond

who hums

I inhaled, expanding my lungs, and thought,

I am

Then, on the long slow exhale, I began a low monotone hum, too quiet for others to hear, but enough for me to feel the vibrations inside, and chanted in my mind:

a pebble in a pond

a pebble who hums

a pebble in a pond

who hums

I used this hum on the plane, then on the Silver Line and the Red Line, loud, busy metro trains filled with people and noise and voices. I let it all wash over me, because I was humming under the pond where lilies lined the surface.

Pond lilies, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens, D.C. July 2017

My mind calmed. My spirit gentled.

I've used it ever since, often several times a day, to settle my mind, or reset after frustration or an uncomfortable situation. Sometimes, after a few chants, I just hum.

The long slow exhaled hum is best, I've found, while looking at natural beauty--the blossoms of trees, the surprise of flowers, the dash of birds.

Like listening to a ringing bowl, the hum grounds me, puts me back together.

Once again, I feel like the me I know I truly am.

Pond lily, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens, D.C. July 2017

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